Yearly Archives: 2014

Floor Nelissen

Nooit gedacht dat ik mijn paard (Delta) van het headshaken af zou kunnen helpen! Het is ongelooflijk, maar waar, dankzij Joey's cranio sacraal therapie en de holistische therapieën van April Battles. Tijdens de periode van de behandelingen (9 in totaal) zag ik Delta veranderen. De behandelingen maakten in eerste instantie veel in hem los. Hij [...]

By |July 9th, 2014|Referenties|Comments Off on Floor Nelissen

Vera Wayper

Bambi is a pleasure-bred Quarter horse, which means she can easily trot and canter at a very slow pace. This comes naturally to her but this kind of training shortens her muscles, which is ultimately not beneficent to her movement. I train her up-tempo and give her a lot of exercise. Yet she has always [...]

By |July 9th, 2014|References|Comments Off on Vera Wayper
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