Bambi is a pleasure-bred Quarter horse, which means she can easily trot and canter at a very slow pace. This comes naturally to her but this kind of training shortens her muscles, which is ultimately not beneficent to her movement. I train her up-tempo and give her a lot of exercise. Yet she has always struggled to lengthen her strides and her back was always pretty stiff. She also had a tendency to stick out her neck underneath.

With Joey’s treatments, all this has improved, her strides are much lengthier, she’s developing a nice top line and her body has become much more supple and softer.

When Joey is at work it is extraordinary to see what impact the treatment has on the horse. During treatment Bambi would get restless, she even did a little buck, and after that she completely relaxed and would start to fall asleep. It is so obvious that the cranio has done a lot for Bambi.
Her face has changed; she has got a very relaxed expression now.
I can really recommend cranio treatment to anyone, even if your horse only has minor problems or if you just want your horse checked. In the end, we ask a lot of our horses and they need to be physically fit to meet our demands.